ISPOR Europe 2019 – kurzy

v dňoch 2.-.6.11.2019 sa v Kodani uskutoční konferencia ISPOR Europe 2019 pod názvom „Digital Transformation of Healthcare: Changing Roles and Sharing Responsibilities“.

V rámci konferencie usporiadatelia pripravili aj 9 krátkych kurzov, na ktoré je možné sa prihlásiť. Tieto kurzy sa venujú najnovším aktuálnym témam a sprostredkujú Vám najnovšie informácie z oblasti HEOR.

Nové krátke kurzy 2019:

  • US Payers—Understanding the Healthcare SystemTM
  • Fitting the Structure to the Task- Choosing the Right Dynamic Simulation Model to Inform Decisions about Healthcare Delivery
  • Health State Utility (HSU) Recommendations for Identification and Use of HSU Data in Cost-Effectiveness Modeling
  • Why All the Hype? Nordic Data Explained
  • Digital Real-World Evidence Generation Approaches in Rare Diseases and Oncology
  • Market Access & Value Assessment of Medical Devices
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models with OpenMarkov, an Open-Source Tool
  • Creating Natural, Flexible Models with DICE Simulation
  • Mapping to Estimate Utility Values from Non-Preference-Based Outcome Measures—Part 2