Kurz certifikačnej prípravy „Farmakoekonomika“

V dňoch 4. – 5. novembra 2021 sa na Slovenskej zdravotníckej univerzite uskutoční prostredníctvom MS TEAMS Kurz certifikačnej prípravy z farmakoekonomiky:


1-0126 Kurz certifikačnej prípravy 

March 31-April 1

9:00AM – 11:00AM EST Time zone converter

This course will attempt to demystify the medical device landscape and help all stakeholders ensure that appropriate patients benefit from innovation in the medical device space through improving participants’ awareness of marketplace trends and needs to demonstrate clinical and economic value.   The course will conclude with a primer on performance-based risk-sharing agreements and the latest trends in value-based procurement in the European Union.   This course is designed for those with an intermediate knowledge of medical devices and their market access pathways.
Faculty:   Stephen A. Hull, MHS, Hull Associates LLC, Rockland, MA, USA
Richard Charter, MSc, Alira Health, Basel, BS, Switzerland
Rachele Busca, MBA, MS, W.L. Gore & Associates, Verona, Italy
Register Today!

This course will provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of survival analysis and key issues to be considered when comparing alternative survival models for inclusion in cost-effectiveness analysis. This will include an understanding of the differences between partitioned survival and Markov-based approaches.  
Faculty:   Andrew Briggs, DPhil, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, England, UK
Andrew Davies, MSc, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Jim Lewsey, PhD, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Register Now!

Radi by sme Vás informovali o nadchádzajúcom virtuálnom kurze, ktorý sa bude konať v dňoch  27 – 28. januára 2021.

Viac informácií nájdete:

Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Observational Studies of Treatment Effects Using Retrospective Data Sources

January 27-28

4-Hour | 2-Day Short Course